Tuesday, January 24, 2012

First Post of 2012

So one of my New Year's Resolutions is this blog so here I go.

Tonight I watched a little bit of the State of the Union Address.  I was disgusted and embarrassed.  Suprisingly not because I dislike Obama but because anyone and everyone present at the Address or watching on TV were acting like children.

I get it - we all hate one another. Cool.  But come on!  Republicans were rolling their eyes and FB was bitching about Obama.  Democrats were hating on Republicans for hating on Democrats.  How about everyone GROW UP!

Let's instead focus on what's actually important here - AMERICA! Our country! We're not going to agree on what's best for the country and that's fine but for goodness sake lets hear each other out! Let's not roll eyes and talk shit. Let's show some respect for one another.  Let's act like adults.